Sports Permission Packet

Before participation in athletics, the sportsmanship and substance use acknowledgements, steroid testing consent form, parental consent form, athletic training permit and emergency information sheet must be completed entirely. Additionally, each athlete is required by the New Jersey State Department of Education to have a medical examination prior to the first practice session of a sport.

All forms are included and must be completed prior to a student/athletes participation in athletics. Each page requires your digital signature attesting to your understanding and concurrence of the information on the page. The form will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Step 1 of 10

  • Part 1- Parental Consent

    Your son/daughter has requested the privilege of taking part in our athletic program. Before he/she may take part, it is necessary for us to have your consent by completing the form below. Please note that your youngster will be insured by the school for any sport or squad that he/she takes part in at New Milford High School.

    I will be happy to try to answer any questions you might have regarding the N.M.H.S Athletic Program. You may call me at the high school, 201-262-0172, or write me in care of the school.

    ** Please note: The Parent Consent Form is the only necessary paperwork if an athlete has previously played a sport during the school year besides the medical forms. All physicals must be kept up to date and an update form is also necessary in order for a student to participate for each subsequent season. For example: if a student-athlete played a fall sport, he/she would have to fill out a parent consent form and all medical papers.
  • Consent

    I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in the above sport at N.M.H.S. for the school year 2020-2021.

    Realizing that participation in high school athletics involved the potential for injury in all sports, I acknowledge that even with the best coaching, use of the most advanced protective equipment and strict observance of rules, injuries are still a possibility. On rare occasions these injuries can be so sever as to result in total disability, paralysis or even death. I acknowledge that I have read and understand this warning.

    I agree that any medical expenses in excess of the limits of the policy will be borne by me. I also agree that I have submitted all additional paperwork necessary for athletic participation.